Art is never still, it moves, with an almost restless intensity, from one moment of inspiration to the next. It takes many forms and each form enriches the other. I am so pleased to offer you art inspired by, and art that inspires, poetry. From music, to dance, to rap, to humor, to visual art, all art forms are related, one to the other; sustaining one another, validating one another and perhaps, most importantly, inspiring one another. I am excited and truly honored to be presenting these guest artists, as they share their talents and artistic forms of expression with us.

“This moment laughter spreads itself in colors on the thin branches of the trees…”

Susan A. Katz

“…every thought of joy

renewal spreading slowly

like the memory of a song before

your grateful eyes…” – SAK

“It is there within the silence of their eyes…”

Susan A. Katz

“…proclaiming that the heart

of every living thing

beats as one…” – Sak

“The words implode inside my head…”

Susan A. Katz

“…a kaleidoscope of colors

feelings    yellow / red

joy / dread…” – Sak 

“There is nothing left here where life once thrived where children grew into the light and hope…

Susan A. Katz

“…like the promise of spring

was wonderfully     vibrantly

alive…” – SAK

“Each squandered chance you get means you have one less chance to set the world on fire…”

Susan A. Katz

“…so swing for the fences

watch the ball fly

on dreams realized

soaring higher

and higher…” – Sak

“We get a chance to get it right to set our sights on something worth believing in…

Susan A. Katz

“to strive to understand

to know    to grasp conceive

believe the consequences

of the choices that we make

sometimes we never get

a second chance to make

the same mistake…” – SAK

“The mighty and the powerful declare their right to rule destroying everything and everyone who stands in their way…”

Susan A. Katz

“they worship at the altar of themselves

proclaim they are the light

demand we kneel in honor

tremble in fright

at the mention of their name…” – Sak

“The truth is often hidden behind lies…”

Susan A. Katz

“…seek the truth

where it can’t hide

in the gospel of the eyes …” – Sak

“I celebrate myself in darkness and in light I celebrate the healing balm of words that come to me at dawn and in the darkest shadows of the night…”

Susan A. Katz

“…I speak my joy    my sorrow

love   desire    amity and rage

purify myself in words a potion

swallowed by the page…” – SAK

“Storm clouds gather darkness settling like ashes from an urn onto the heaving sea…”

Susan A. Katz

“…tomorrow promises to destroy

all that we ever had the chance

to be…” – SAK