Art is never still, it moves, with an almost restless intensity, from one moment of inspiration to the next. It takes many forms and each form enriches the other. I am so pleased to offer you art inspired by, and art that inspires, poetry. From music, to dance, to rap, to humor, to visual art, all art forms are related, one to the other; sustaining one another, validating one another and perhaps, most importantly, inspiring one another. I am excited and truly honored to be presenting these guest artists, as they share their talents and artistic forms of expression with us.

“Pain tames us claims us names us numb…”

Susan A. Katz

“…but love’s

a warrior on the battlefield

of pain     together we fight back

refuse to come undone…” – Sak

“Each time we touch each time we laugh or love each time the earth is charged with light…

Susan A. Katz

“…we try to make it last

endure    become forever

inevitably it fades away

like day     into night…” – Sak

They fought they died for Democracy so that we might be…”

Susan A. Katz

“…forever free…” – SAK

The words name me claim me shame me…”

Susan A. Katz

“…I scream them onto the page

watch them go up in flame…” SAK

“We are never alone when the hand that we hold is fuzzy and fits snugly in ours…”

Susan A. Katz

“…and the hardest of ground

that we travel upon bursts

into a garden of flowers…” – sak

“We are nourished and made whole…”

Susan A. Katz

“…by the simple act of kindness

that gratitude bestows.”  – sak

“The earth dies…

Susan A. Katz

“before our children’s eyes.” – SAK

“The journey from sadness to joy is a journey that is taken by the heart…”

Susan A. Katz

“…sometimes we simply need

a guiding hand to help us start…” – SaK

“Words simply as words cannot impart…”

Susan A. Katz

“…that which lives beneath

the skin      inside the heart.” – SAK

“The days slip like teardrops down the aging face of time…”

Susan A. Katz

“…hoping to teach us that

not the years    but the moment

is divine…” – Sak