New comment from Susan Katz
Thank you for that very intense and emotional and human explanation of what the poem means to you. I hear what you're saying in your poem and was not implying you change your message but only that poetry is an art form, and like all art forms, it has rules and ways in which words come together to form ideas. I do believe you have talent and I do understand the place from which your poem was conceived and, I congratulate you on being able to take those punishing feelings and put them into words and put the words into the format of a poem. Keep feeling – keep writing – keep sharing. Poetry has always offered me a way to manage my life by being able to speak it, in all its joy and sorrow, love and loss, gratitude and anger, though the power of the poem. – Susan
Original Post by Being_oasis
Mighty Men
<p>Peeping through the window,</p>
<p>Running in the wild I saw,</p>
<p>My younger self</p>
<p>Just look how handsome he was</p>
<p>A boy of simple bones and flesh</p>
<p>No talents he had to impress</p>
<p>It was just he and his innocence</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Basking in the glorious sun</p>
<p>Look at this carefree one</p>
<p>Lying under shady trees</p>
<p>Playing with the fairies free</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Then on a single day</p>
<p>The gazing sun lost its shine</p>
<p>Fairies, pixies all went blind</p>
<p>Lonely soul was confused</p>
<p>For he did not know</p>
<p>What is needed to be done?</p>
<p>Mighty men arrived</p>
<p>The boy ran for his life</p>
<p> </p>
<p>They all went after him</p>
<p>And he sat in his car</p>
<p>The closest to his life</p>
<p>As it would turn into anything</p>
<p>He liked or disliked.</p>
<p>The car roared through the growing forest</p>
<p>With the hope to escape from them</p>
<p>The chase changed to a fight</p>
<p>And then there was cannons against beams of light</p>
<p> </p>
<p>As his laser started increasing</p>
<p>Pinching mighty men,</p>
<p>Piercing their weapons</p>
<p>They came with all their strength</p>
<p>Thrashing the poor boy inside</p>
<p>As he sat with his broken friend</p>
<p>Ah! The poor broken friend</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The mighty men took the boy with them</p>
<p>Inside their aging den</p>
<p>Schooled him till the day he learned</p>
<p>No objection to the men’s word</p>
<p>No questions out of syllabus</p>
<p>Only mug, mug and mug</p>
<p> </p>
<p>After years of programming</p>
<p>The boy was released</p>
<p>A shattered machine in the wild fields</p>
<p>Waiting to unite,</p>
<p>With his love, his life</p>
<p>His friend of old time</p>
<p>Which still laid in the forest</p>
<p>The forest known as child</p>
<p>And the friend was none other than</p>
<p>His mind, imagination open wide</p>
comment made on…
<p>Work on this line. It does not make sense in English. "As it would into turn into anything…"</p>