Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): A man like no other:My dad

Poetry Talk

New post from Diya

A man like no other:My dad

As a child I never realized that life would be like this                          See you doing everything for our family was such a bliss                  Growing up I realized the true value of you                                     Oh my dearest father.. I didn't knew God sent you for me so that i could wonder in the free sky                                As a child I love you because you bought me beautiful gifts             But as I growed I saw the immense love and care which was beyond the gifts                           From having my back in tough times                                             From teaching me the true virtues of life                                               And all the things a daughter could ask from a father                                      From nurturing me in the beginning to helping me grow        It was never just you it was your  time care and patience          Always wanted to portray my feelings for you but i was lost in words                                              Dad you may get a good daughter but I will never ever get a great dad like you                                                 I once believed in being me but now I want to be like you                    Thanks for everything dear father I love you! 

