Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): Shadow, Light, and Life.

Poetry Talk

New post from IncalculableData

Shadow, Light, and Life.

Once a snowy dream by Shadow sharp and keen

Whispered ancient blight to a boy of painted sight

His Innocent eyes, unwillingly glean 

The sound of darkness the nightmare streams.

A Dreary morrow. A shaded sorrow.

The boy gives his brush to barrow.  


Where Shadow there’s Light, a valiant knight!

Not sent to plea or plunder.

The grace of God his armor, his steed the sun and thunder.

By purpose hollowed, gallant in soul

The right seat of God anoints in full.

A Crusade thus created,

For God’s child is needed.


Through the valley he charges, fire in eye!

Word he draws, tongue peacefully spry

No tower to dark nor void to steep

Sir Light brightens onward, with vows to keep. 


Darkness takes leave & Shadow can’t see

Defeat in tide their sorrow  

For glory of grace, Light warms her face

Passing his paint of hollow.

Mother opens the color. Boy searches above.

Finding Gods brush of love.
