Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): The one starry night

Poetry Talk

New post from Bhanu Prakash

The one starry night

This is my first poem titled, 'The one starry night'. It explores the world of night's charm and healing. Here is the full poem below:


“The night sky is black, yet shinning,

Manifesting and channelizing unstinted aberration,

Her beauty emanates the souls’ distressing,

By exhibiting all the facets of self-revelation,


She has her ways and means, through plain dealings,

And ensures you are caressed in her charms,

While it becomes elusive to helm those feelings,

The feelings that shaped you in her invisible arms.


I can hear the soul of night sky, it cheers and rhymes,

If you are fettered in a difficult situation,

Look above you, in the darkest of the times,

The night sky ushers relaxation,

Letting you hear her soothing chimes,

That changes your imagination.


The night is dark, not its stark,

It is clean in its essence, sharing your plight,

Enjoy and pleasure in its park,

All you need to do is, give yourself, to the one starry night.
