Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to Burn

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>Thank you for submitting this very intense and emotional poem for consideration for Featured Poem of the Month for July.  Your poem has a very real and very meaningful message and we can feel your pain, your anguish your "crushed soul."  I would suggest, if I may, that you go over and check your English translation, as there are instances where the tenses are wrong, spelling is wrong, or meaning is not quite right.  The concept of "muting not only your voice" but your soul, as well – is strong and powerful.  Thank you for sharing with me, Susan</p>


Original Post by Captured.0519


<p>When in broad day light <br />You grop me<br />In the bus full of people<br />With their eyes finding scenary<br />Where my palpitations are not visible</p>
<p>When walking back to home<br />You just stuck your tongue<br />Muteing not only my voice <br />But my soul too<br />When people dismiss me<br />On basis of choice of my clothes</p>
<p>When nights go blind <br />And my voice echo <br />With sound of terror<br />With Adriline rushing through veins<br />When only instict should be fight or flight<br />But my body go numb</p>
<p>When my clothes are tattered<br />But your pleasure blooms<br />When my strength dies , with me <br />From the weight of your body<br />When our body cojoins<br />And my soul crushes</p>
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