Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to Stillness in Tension

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to your very evocative and well written poem.  I have been in hospital and away from my computer, so this is the first I am seeing of your submission.</p>
<p>Your poem is tight, well-composed and offers us a very strong sense of the "tension" you speak of.  Good job.  And, thank you so very much for sharing it with me,  Susan</p>


Original Post by Aviana

Stillness in Tension

<p>Blood flows into the rivers,<br />Into tree roots, into flowers<br />That bloom and speak <br />Into our deafness.</p>
<p>Unheard melodies <br />Of souls sting,<br />Harmonious voices,<br />Of the dying, sing <br />A song into the wind that reeks<br />Of never ending dusk.<br />Somewhere.<br />Far away.<br />Somewhere within, we fear<br />The truth, yet<br />We choose to bind ourselves to the <br />Stillness in tension.</p>