Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to The nights

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>I find your poem to be very moving, the plea to search beyond yourself in order to find yourself, is a lovely concept.  "Let the wind reach up to your soul…" is a nice image – I like that the wind has to "reach up" and I also very much liked "Let the shimmer (of moonlight) bloom in you…"  You might want to review your grammar a bit as there are places where a word needs to be added (or deleted) in order for the lines to be grammatically correct.  But, overall, a fine effort and I thank you so very much for sharing it with me.  Your friend in poetry, Susan</p>


Original Post by Pranjali

The nights

<p>This night take a few minutes<br />To stare the stars <br />At the bay<br />Let the fireflies <br />Take you to a Neverland<br />You haven't seen before <br />Let the wind reach up to your soul<br />Cleanse you of all the sins <br />And toxins<br />You have been leading so far<br />Let the moonlight shine on you<br />Let the shimmer bloom in you<br />For You're more than <br />Your mere thoughts<br />More than you have deserved so far</p>