Little Brown Bear and You

Little Bear finds himself lost and alone. He is looking for someone to love. He finds many possible friends along his way but none of them seem to be interested in him. He spends a long, lonely night, but wakes to a wonderful surprise in the morning, you!

One of Little Bear’s adventures is a joyful exploration of how he alerts Vadie and Nate to the fact that they forgot to take him to bed with them. The story is told through the limitless scope of a child’s imagination and the delight of rhyme.

In Little Bear’s Garden. Bear discovers the fun to be found in growing your own garden and the rewards of eating the wonderful veggies he has grown. All three stories are interactive at the end, inviting young readers to imagine what they would do if they were Little Bear.

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The Limits of Light

We are descendants of the Ancient Greek Gods. At least in that, we, like them, can dream and desire, wield world-shaping forces, be vindictive and myopic, malicious, and indulgent. The stories of the Gods unfolded in glorious detail, perhaps foreshadowing what was to come. The past and present intermingle, refracting the future into a myriad of possibilities. The story of the Gods is the story of us, only the names have changed.

Dreaming Missouri

Each step we take, brings us closer to a moment in our life that may change it forever. Dreaming Missouri explores the nooks and crannies of a life; each moment filled with indelible, occasionally startling, events. Sometimes they happen to us. Sometimes they happen to others. But life impacts life, and Dreaming Missouri uses the lens of poetry to examine the ways in which our lives interconnect, the way that a place you’ve never been or someone you’ve never met, collides with you and changes who you are, forever.

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On the Edge

Susan A. Katz has had a love affair with poetry since the age of six. She has read it, written it, even dreamed it, and it has shaped her life and her view of the world, and of herself. Susan finds inspiration for her poems in the everyday business of living, of family joys and sorrows, in the stories of others, and in the vast and ethereal landscape of the natural world. Her poems reveal her intense passion for the living quality of language. On the Edge captures, with intensely personal poems, the human experience and examines the ways in which we are all connected through our shared humanity. Her poems have been called “meditative and lyrical….. exhibiting a strong sense of wistfulness and loss,” by poet Colette Inez, and “terribly powerful… oddly strong… wonderful,” by poet Dan Masterson.