Welcome to my Poet Lady Chat Room. I would like to invite you to click on the chat box and type in a question, a suggestion, submit a poem, in other words – “chat with me.” I may, if you submit a poem, decide to feature it in my Poem of the Week section or, we may simply exchange ideas and suggestions about your poem.

This is a place to “talk” poetry with someone who has loved it all her life. I have a true passion for the possibilities of poetry and would love to hear your thoughts and/or read your poem. I will be happy to offer my reaction to your work and, based on over 40 years of teaching poetry, organizing, and conducting poetry workshops, working as a book review editor for an international poetry magazine, authoring five books of poetry and two textbooks on teaching poetry, send along my thoughts on ways to make your poem stronger and more impactful.

If you’re on my site, you have a connection to poetry. Feel free to connect with me – right here -right now, by typing your message into the “chat box” and clicking send. I’m waiting…


Your friend in poetry, Susan

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Hope-A sailor Boat (1 reply)

4 years ago
Soumya 4 years ago

In the broken story of a silence storm
The boat of the life gets out of the vision
Yes it's very difficult to bring it back
May be it's not possible.....
But still there is a little hope
A little hope to get it back...

May be like this the hope of mirages of life gets clear out...
The foggynes of the life adjust the vision of the life..
And then??
Then the rest of the story is known only by my silence....
Then I can visualize the life in another with my dumb eyes.....

Is it really easy??
To get that boat of life return back?
Or is it only the hope
That makes me believe that the boat will return
Which makes me unknown to myself in the front of the mirror of life........

The known faces are lost under the mask......
To know myself is now great task....
I want to have myself back in my own way...

Many words about me are flying here and there.....
They want to turn me into ashes....
They wanted to buried me alive....
But still there is a hope to get that boat of life return back.....

From being alone to become isolated I have traveled the journey....
I have started decaying after this hide and seek from life...
The rest is only a bunch emotions turn into ashes......
Still I am looking into my life with my dumb eyes.....
Because still there is a little hope
A little hope to get that boat of my life back into life to cross the river Named "Life"....

Susan Katz
4 years ago
Susan Katz 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your very emotional poem with me.  You have some very good lines and state your passion with energy and intensity.  I very much liked the way you expressed how life is treating you "They want to turn me into ashes....
They wanted to buried me alive...." and still you manage to hold on to hope that things will turn around, that the "boat of life" will "return."  This poem is too long for me to feature on my Instagram page but, I do congratulate you on your effort and encourage you to spend a little time on brushing up your English grammar.  I think the poem would benefit greatly from that.    I would also encourage you to Keep On Writing!  Your friend in poetry, Susan

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