Welcome to my Poet Lady Chat Room. I would like to invite you to click on the chat box and type in a question, a suggestion, submit a poem, in other words – “chat with me.” I may, if you submit a poem, decide to feature it in my Poem of the Week section or, we may simply exchange ideas and suggestions about your poem.

This is a place to “talk” poetry with someone who has loved it all her life. I have a true passion for the possibilities of poetry and would love to hear your thoughts and/or read your poem. I will be happy to offer my reaction to your work and, based on over 40 years of teaching poetry, organizing, and conducting poetry workshops, working as a book review editor for an international poetry magazine, authoring five books of poetry and two textbooks on teaching poetry, send along my thoughts on ways to make your poem stronger and more impactful.

If you’re on my site, you have a connection to poetry. Feel free to connect with me – right here -right now, by typing your message into the “chat box” and clicking send. I’m waiting…


Your friend in poetry, Susan

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Morning : Mourning of darkness (1 reply)

3 years ago
parsan.2 3 years ago
Masses of silver shine above,
Below stands wilderness.
The rain droplets try hard 
and hard and hard 
to abate sadness.
The crickets shreik loudly,
the canvas of horizon 
is painted with darkness.
Nothing to see, 
retinas are perplexed,
A luminescent firefly gives relief in this state of blindness.
Suddenly, a mass of energy grows in the east.
Marigolds assume colour, sparrows celebrate feast.
Cicadas turn enigmatic,
nests being left by sparrows.
Enthusiasm seeps in,
heated rush in the bone marrows.
It is the mourning of darkness as it lays pale and still,
Light stands proclaiming to the world,
I am here to spread positivity. 
I am determined and I will.
I will.  I will.  I will. 
Life is an exact replica of sun,
emerges from darkness, sweet rise then;
harsh proceedings lead to loss of peace and fun,
And the final sunset is a battle lost and still won.
Susan Katz
3 years ago
Susan Katz 3 years ago

This is a very thoughtful and well conceived poem.  I think it would benefit from editing as, in poetry, less is more - and often there are many words that really don't add anything to the meaning or rhythm of the poem.  I think you have some real talent and would love to see this poem again, after you've had a chance to edit it, if that is something that you are willing to do.  It is too long for my current request for 2 to 4, un-rhymed poems, using imagery.  However, if you do resubmit an edited version, I will be happy to consider it for featuring on my poetladykatz Instagram page, at some future date.  Write on!  Your friend in poetry, Susan

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