Welcome to my Poet Lady Chat Room. I would like to invite you to click on the chat box and type in a question, a suggestion, submit a poem, in other words – “chat with me.” I may, if you submit a poem, decide to feature it in my Poem of the Week section or, we may simply exchange ideas and suggestions about your poem.

This is a place to “talk” poetry with someone who has loved it all her life. I have a true passion for the possibilities of poetry and would love to hear your thoughts and/or read your poem. I will be happy to offer my reaction to your work and, based on over 40 years of teaching poetry, organizing, and conducting poetry workshops, working as a book review editor for an international poetry magazine, authoring five books of poetry and two textbooks on teaching poetry, send along my thoughts on ways to make your poem stronger and more impactful.

If you’re on my site, you have a connection to poetry. Feel free to connect with me – right here -right now, by typing your message into the “chat box” and clicking send. I’m waiting…


Your friend in poetry, Susan

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Soul Is A Bird (1 reply)

3 years ago

The soul is a bird that changes its cage
To live forever in this dusty old earth.
So no fear we have to die
We are the beginning and the end.

--- Srijit Raha

Srijit Raha

Susan Katz
3 years ago
Susan Katz 3 years ago

Very nicely done - concise and written with an eye towards imagery.  I very much like the concept of the soul being "a bird that changes its cage..."  I wonder if you are familiar with the poetic concept of enjambment.  It means ending a line so that it means one thing on the first line and then something else (or something more) when it connects to the next line.  For example, if you wrote your first line in the following way, you would be creating a lovely and dramatic example of enjambment.  "The soul is a bird that changes its cage to live/ (line break) forever in this dusty old earth."  Just a thought and the hope that you consider it.  Your poem is strong, it could be even stronger.  I will definitely be featuring it in one of my poetladykatz Instagram posts in the next couple of weeks.  Thank you so very much for sharing - and write on...  Your  friend in poetry, Susan

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