Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): O dear Humanity

Poetry Talk

New post from Fahad Khalique

O dear Humanity

O dear humanity!
O beloved humanity!
You're very precious to me
And I don't want you to forfeit
Let's migrate to some other place;
Into the hut of a destitute
So that you can breathe freely
And cherish your presence.

Do you know?
This world is enemy;
To beautiful things,
To divine creations,
To heavenly souls,
To morality and ethics
And, i must acknowledge
You will feel alone
Humiliated and alienated
On the earth, full of humans.

You'll be allegedly abused
People will laugh at you
They will teach you humanity
How to behave, talk and meet
Beyond this how to treat
And at the last
You will be hanged, claiming inhumane.

Remember, this is a post-truth era
Where lie lies on the tongue of justice
And truth suffocates into the hands of lady justice
Sympathy and forgiveness find no shelter
Peace and harmony are extinct.

You tell me:
What people will do?
By adhering to you;
It will be a grave loss to them ;
They will be mocked
In your accompany
And people will call them
Uncivilised and outdated.

Hail to the entire world!
When you will be rejected,
Like satan defied Adam,
By majority of the wits
And nobody will follow you
So, I suggest, better to leave,
This glittering and desired world,
To reside in the hut of a destitute.
