Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to Submitting poem for the "Featured poem of the week section"

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>Thank you so much for submitting your poem to be considered for next week's Featured Poem of the Week.  I like the image of your "dreams – in free fall" – it works well and yes, the message of your poem is clear and comes through – with all the emotion, I believe, that you were feeling when you wrote it.  Thank you for submitting your work to be considered.  Have a very creative day, Susan</p>


Original Post by sampada

Submitting poem for the "Featured poem of the week section"

<p style="text-align: left;">Prompt: I am part of…</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">I am part of an unknown crowd <br />Like there's silence in all the noise <br />My mind is full of doubts <br />I feel like I'hv lost my voice</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Yesterday I knew it all<br />My dreams stood tall and high <br />Today its like a free fall<br />They are shooting down the sky</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">I was never afraid of the dark<br />But now I cannot see<br />All the doors are locked<br />And I'm unable to find the key</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">I know someone can hear me<br />When I'm screaming in my mind<br />I know He can see<br />All these answers I wanna find</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">They say He is the light<br />That always shows a way<br />I believe He will help me fight <br />I believe He will save me today<br />—————-×—————-</p>
<p>This poem is about the faith that gives us the strength to walk through difficult times. The hope that keeps us telling that at the end of the day It'll be alright because the almighty is there to help us find our way out of the dark</p>
<p> </p>