Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): What am I?

Poetry Talk

New post from Being_oasis

What am I?

                                  What am I?

In a lonely pensive mood, I thought

What am I?

Besides the combination of dust, first,

Then of the liquid drop

In a humble low tone, the heart asked

What are you?

Besides, stitched bones and flesh

In the forlorn state, the mind questioned

What will be you?

When the union of earth takes place


As I was baffled with the questions

Wind entered through the window

I realized I am the breeze of smiles and laughter

Rushing into every home

I am that purifying storm sent by him

For the help of Noah


As I went towards the window

To thank the wind for its grateful help,

The shining moon winked at me

Making me realize,

I am the bright hope of the dead night.

With the scars not sufficient to hide my shine


As I moved out in the glorious light,

The swirling tree rustled its leaves.

 I realized,

I am the voice of truth and justice,

Can’t be silenced by the shout of lies


As I walked towards the sound

The stars above twinkled at me,

Making me realize

It is Almighty that guides

Only he could make me

Walk the righteous path

Or could make me evil’s lard


All these visions gave the answer

Of all the questions the soul proposed

I might be forgotten after union

But the shade of my work in life

Might lessen the burden on the scales

When I return to Almighty’s side


                                                   -Mohammad Owais (student)

                                                     St. Francis’ College
