Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to I am not what you think!

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>Thank you, for once again, sending a heartfelt and self-reflective poem.  I can tell you write from the heart.  Again, there are a number of grammatical/word-usage errors in the poem, that detract from the flow, rhythm, and meaning.  Here are a couple of examples:</p>
<p>People are sure on strolls,   (This does not translate well – people are "sure" on strolls – simply it could be – People stroll…)</p>
<p>To pass on the critical judgement, (passing on critical judgement…)</p>
<p>I won't let people to judge me, (I won't let people judge me – the "to" does not belong here)</p>
<p>Alas! It's not a story about you judge,  (Alas, it's not a story "for" you to judge…)</p>
<p>These are just a few examples and your poem would benefit greatly from checking on tenses and proper usage of words.  I would, however, reinforce the idea that you are passionate, purposeful, and powerful in your pursuance of poetry.  Do keep writing and sharing – I am delighted when I see one of your poems show up in my Chat Room.  Have a happy day, Susan</p>
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Original Post by Tiny glowing star

I am not what you think!

<p>I am not what you think!</p>
<p>People are sure on strolls,<br />To pass on the critical judgement,<br />I am no more than a pursuer,<br />Swirling over my lifeless goals!<br />I won't let people to judge me,<br />I judge my own self through time,<br />Breaking through the walls of nine,<br />Clashing around with flashing intrepid efforts!<br />What are you souls staring at?<br />It's me who mould my own future,<br />Relishing my life of truce as becoming mature,<br />Alas! It's not a story about you judge,<br />Dear, I am the heroine of my own story,<br />Bestowing the enternal glory!<br />Every one are the main characters,<br />Of their own respective life too,<br />It's not about what others think,<br />It matters how you think about yourself passionately!<br />- Swetha</p>
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