Poet Lady Katz: new forum comment on Birth of poetry – Rutika Deshpande

New comment from Susan Katz

I would just like to let you know, I've chosen your poem to be my Featured Poem of the Week on my Website. In your two short lines, you have captured so much of the feeling of what writing poetry is all about. Thank you for being part of my poetic journey. – Susan


Original Post by rutika_words

Birth of poetry – Rutika Deshpande

<p style="text-align: justify;">Words are boiling,let them</p>
<p>They will evaporate in poetry.</p>

comment made on…

<p>I really like this – the concept of words boiling and evaporating into poetry is a very lovely and accessible image.  I will definitely be considering your submission to be featured on my Instagram page, one day next week.  I appreciate your sharing and am grateful for your interest in poetladykatz.  Your friend in poetry, Susan</p>