Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): Dream World by sarangi_Chaaru

Poetry Talk

New post from sarangi_chaaru

Dream World by sarangi_Chaaru

And then I closed my eyes 

Walked slowly, enjoying every single step

Trying to feel every single moment

I am a refugee , in search of safe heaven

Hoping to find ​home , a small home 

With a tiny Garden Would be more than enough 


In a land where ,

Butterflies with wings of kindness are seen …


Where witches covering herb Gardens are seen ….

Where kids posting letters to the fairy godmothers are seen …

Where the soil is tranquil and love drizzles upon them
Giving life to Everything ….

Where I live peacefully

Knitting my hopes into reality
Sitting near my orieal Window , waiting patiently
For my origami cranes to Finally fly

Wanting to see them flying away
To the horizons I never got a chance to explore

When the dusk Finally engulf the day
With all the mesmerising Memories of the day

I will go to sleep placidly
To unending time ….


