Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): Let's Start and Create

Poetry Talk

New post from Kartheepan Senthil Kumar

Let's Start and Create

Let’s start a new day,
Let’s start a new life,
Let’s start loving each other,
and stop the fight.

Let’s share everything,
every happiness and every sorrow.
Let’s keep the faith,
and look forward for a better tomorrow.

Let’s learn to share,
and show how much we care.
Let’s search our hearts,
and find the love there.

Let’s kick away the darkness,
and open our hearts this time.
Let’s live together,
and spread the sun shine.

Let’s step forward,
and create a new world.
Let’s Join our hands,
and show how much it is worth.

Come Everyone…….
Let's make a new World.
A World full of Love and Togetherness.

-Kartheepan Senthil Kumar 
