Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): We'll be okay

Poetry Talk

New post from Mansi

We'll be okay

We’ll be okay


 There are times when we need to talk 

  Yet words never come out. Sometimes things turn out really raw …where we start Losing people I know I mean, I know we’ll be okay at the end..! No matter how hard things become at times

  Because at the end it’s all           yours….it’s a part of you

I really imagine ….there is time where everything is done ..and it’s pouring out…jus sitting in a private garden chilling with a drink.. laughing out watching all the struggles and the way …jus came over them…in all the way..

I know…it sounds like…a fantasy but… trust me..

For me the most interesting people seem to have the bumpiest past ..like all the Beauty lies in the struggle scars…. Which…show up:-\

So…won’t we celebrate …! Having a struggle…and try to solidify ..the bond….of you and me….together isn’t this enough to tell

                We’ll be okay 🙂


