Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to Far Far Away

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>You have some very lovely lines and fine images in your poem "Far Far Away" and I thank you for sharing it with me.  I will add it to the many poems I've received and will be considering for Featured Poem of the Month for June.  <br />All best, Susan</p>


Original Post by DavidWeaklinks

Far Far Away

<p>Yesterday I wished I had wings,<br />To take me on a path to bliss,<br />Hunting a serene glee of the trees,<br />Losing feathers, chasing dreams.</p>
<p>Glee of the trees as they fill,<br />Birds, flowers and bees until,<br />Kindness mounts up a hill,<br />My heart that's otherwise evil.</p>
<p>And then I'd board that yacht,<br />At that new shore, now a dot,<br />Across waves and tides I'll trot,<br />Far, far away, is my hide-out.</p>
<p>Where Sun slept a wild darkness,<br />Where moon left a drowsy mess,<br />The cotton clouds knew even less,<br />Where their lost rains progress.</p>
<p>Let my birds here sing around,<br />And the bees buzz about,<br />Beyond sand and time I'll trot,<br />Far, far away is my hide out.</p>
<p>I'll wake up to a golden Lyre,<br />As I adorn it's notes, I desire,<br />Trusted hands that never tire,<br />Mystic ones I'd hire to inspire.</p>
<p>My inner thoughts are out loud,<br />A land full of hope! So I thought,<br />Past alley-ways and valleys I'll trot,<br />Far, farther away, is my hide out.</p>
<p> </p>