Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to No title

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>Good morning, Comfort.  Unfortunately, your poem is not typed in here, in the Chat Room, where I am able to reply with some comments and suggestions.  You did not include an email, so I cannot contact you that way.  Could you either resend the poem , typed in the Chat Room or, send me an email at www.poetlady@earthlink.net with your return email and I will happily respond to your moving poem?  Thank you, Susan</p>


Original Post by Comfort

No title

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<p>In the script of life's stage, I'm the jest, A punchline scrawled by hands unsure, distressed. Dangling on the margins, on edges I tread, Existence penned in a comedy where sadness is fed.</p>
<p>Unsteady hands sketch this bleak refrain, My role, a punchline in life's mocking domain. Hanging on the precipice, teetering near, Each scene etched with a shadow, a tear.</p>
<p>Pages turn, yet my lines remain the same, A tragicomedy, a soul steeped in shame. In this tale, laughter echoes, piercing and loud, My existence, a joke, lost in a sorrowful shroud.</p>
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