Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to Reality or Fantasy?

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>This is a very deep and very emotional poem.  I'm not sure I'm able to follow your message as well as you would like but, then again, that may be your intention.  There are some very well written moments and some fine images and throughout, you maintain a level of razor sharp emotional intensity.  I thank you very much for sharing your work with me.  Your friend in poetry, Susan</p>


Original Post by Menal Jain

Reality or Fantasy?

<p>By the bedside I saw<br />The yolk sinking deep into the sea<br />She pulled up the bedsheet<br />Getting ready to narrate a fantasy</p>
<p>She has a style to say things<br />Maybe the talk of characters<br />The feelings they depict <br />Always makes her falter</p>
<p>Through all these years<br />The thing I learnt for sure <br />Is not to conclude to happy endings<br />As an end was never a cure</p>
<p>The dream house by the sea<br />And spending the day on swings<br />A little daughter treated like a doll<br />She cares and cares over the top</p>
<p>Friday visits to that building<br />Waiting for a positive response<br />The room where she stays a month<br />Haunts my rest at home</p>
<p>She seldom talks to others<br />Likes repeating herself as well<br />They call her psychotic<br />Maybe she hardened her shell</p>
<p>The drips by the corner<br />The screams I heard<br />I witnessed the efforts she made<br />To maintain the cruel fantasy world</p>
<p>The stories she narrated and heard<br />All depicted the cruel world<br />Maybe neglected by the ending<br />She struggles and struggles a lot<br />Trying to escape the fantasy!</p>