Poet Lady Katz (new forum post): Pains & Pleasures

Poetry Talk

New post from RG983

Pains & Pleasures

For the poetry submission:


Pain & Pleasures

Life- A crest and trough of intuitive emotions,

Imperfect which art to measure our deeds;

For ripples art interim, in those countless drops of Adam’s ale,

Ah! Their gentle flow- A prelude to the endless tale.

The sun- tis’ encompassing those stars at bloom,

Igniting souls to perceive their way;

Daredevil sailors, who travel through dark nights,

Renders those stars, voyaging back to their land.

The life, tis’ ending & worries art minuscule,

Mere dreams- A way to bear all pleasure;

But when we desire, to sentence the unknown,

An obnoxious mutiny- to ensnare holy soul.

O love- Ye be the designator of some emotion,

For some, ye art an ineffectual casket;

& then those impulsive, who art fervent to savor,

Whast true love is- An elixir of desire.

O cosmic attires- Tailored to prettify the world,

With edifice- such lofty, stirring revered Caelum;

Tis’ sinful, humans’ art erect before the Lord,

Now art realizing, with genuflect in regret.

Viridity- Tis’ a symphony to the eternal passage,

Whist or feverishness, unpredicted in the kismet;

Éclat or vain- Endure ye pursuit,

For whast leal, tis’ amid pains & pleasures.

