Poet Lady Katz: new forum reply to CANVAS- THE SEA OF EMOTIONS. ~ Chirag Bothra

New reply from Susan Katz

<p>Thank you for sharing your poem with me.  I love the concept of colors on a canvas representing different emotions.  I like the emotional commitment and, while a bit confused, I do like how, in the end, the poem becomes about a relationship.  I think you need to make that clearer somehow,  I will add your poem to those I am considering for Featured Poem of the Month for July and thank you again for submitting it.  – Susan</p>


Original Post by chiragbothra


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<p><br />Stepping into a new canvas, <br />Looking for the few colours. <br />Each seemed to be different, <br />Some friendly, some arrogant.</p>
<p>Was looking for several gubbins, <br />For I wanted to portray. <br />Perhaps, was there only one, <br />Who promised to stay.</p>
<p>With the blend of colours, <br />I started up to fill my canvas. <br />Hands flew with much ease, <br />For, I longed for masterpiece.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Yet many arts awaited me, <br />But I wished to drown in that sea. <br />The sea of our relation, <br />The sea of that masterpiece. </p>
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